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Overwatch PTR : nouvel équilibrage pour Chopper, Ana et Sombra

Le 11 janvier 2017 à 12:21, par
overwatch ptr : nouveau patch d'equilibrage pour chopper, ana et sombra

Comme vous le savez certainement, un nouvel équilibrage est en cours de tests sur le PTR d'Overwatch. Celui-ci vise particulièrement 4 héros, mais cette nuit un nouveau patch vient d'arriver avec de nouveaux correctifs.

Ainsi, l'effet de la Grenade biotique, d'Ana, passe de 5 à 4 secondes, et désormais le Piratage de Sombra a un temps de rechargement de 8 secondes.

Côté Chopper, les réglages concernant son Traquelard continuent. Maintenant, la cible se plaçant derrière un objet mince, comme un lampadaire, le crochet ne cassera plus.

Blizzard Posté par Blizzard (Source)

We're about to push a new build to the PTR with some new changes:

Roadhog Traquelard

  • Added some more line of sight checks towards the left/right of a potential hook target. This means it should be easier to hook someone who is sticking halfway out of a doorway, or behind a thin pole, etc. These checks are also used for the persistent line of sight check, so if a hook target moves behind a slim object like a stump or a lightpole, they won't be released anymore.
  • Hooked targets are now slowed heavily while they are stunned, even if they are in the air. This means if someone is strafe jumping away from you and you land a hook, they are a lot less likely to slide out of line on sight, breaking the hook.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow you to hook someone and pull them behind you if you spun around before the hook landed.



  • Piratage cooldown reduced from 12s to 8s

Thanks for the feedback so far! Hopefully we'll have this new patch up very soon so you guys can check it out and let us know what you think.

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